HomeKit FAQ's

Q: What is HomeKit?

HomeKit lets people securely control connected accessories in their homes using Siri or the Home app on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.

Q: What is a HomeKit Secure Router?

HomeKit Secure Router is a security feature that adds more protection to your HomeKit accessories by controlling which services and devices they communicate with on your home Wi-Fi network and over the internet.

Q: Can I use HomeKit without HomeKit Secure Router?

Yes! HomeKit Secure Router is not a requirement to use the HomeKit ecosystem or accessories on your network.

Q: Which Gateway eeros support HomeKit Secure Router?

The following eeros support HomeKit Secure Router:

  • eero (Gen 1)
  • eero Pro
  • eero (Gen 2)
  • eero 6
  • eero Pro 6

Any eeros beyond those referenced are not supported. 

 Q: What devices do I need? What are the requirements for using eero with HomeKit?

  •  eero App 3.1.0 or later
  • Your network must be in NAT mode. This feature will not work if your network is in Bridge Mode
  • Your phone must be connected to your eero network
  • Your iPhone/iPad is updated to iOS 14+
  • You have a Home Hub in your Home that is also running iOS 13.2+. (You may use Home Hub running iOS 13.2 or later, and HomeKit accessories, an Apple TV 4K, an Apple TV HD, or an iPad as your Home Hub.

For more info, see this Apple Support article or reach out to us.

Q: How do I set my iPad as my Home Hub?

  1. Sign into iCloud on your iPhone
  2. Turn on iCloud for Home (Settings > Passwords & Accounts > iCloud > Toggle “Home” on)
  3. On your iPad, sign into the same iCloud account
  4. On your iPad, open Settings > Home and toggle on “Use this iPad as a Home Hub”

For more info, see this Apple Support article or reach out to us.

Q: How do I set my HomePod as my Home Hub?

  1. Sign into iCloud on your iPhone with the same iCloud account used to set up your HomePod
  2. Turn on iCloud for Home (Settings > Passwords & Accounts > iCloud > Toggle “Home” on)
  3. Your HomePod should show up in your Home and it should automatically be a Home Hub.

For more info, see this Apple Support article or reach out to us.

Q: How do I set my Apple TV as my Home Hub?

  1. Sign into iCloud on your iPhone
  2. Turn on iCloud for Home (Settings > Passwords & Accounts > iCloud > Toggle “Home” on)
  3. On your Apple TV, sign into the same iCloud account. It will automatically become a resident device

For more info, see this Apple Support article or reach out to us.

Q: What if I don’t have a Home Hub?

If you don’t have a Home Hub device, you won’t be able to add your eero to HomeKit. 

Q: What if I have a HomeHub, but I don’t have HomeKit accessories?

You will be able to add your eero to HomeKit, but you won’t be able to apply HomeKit Security to any accessories.

Q: What if I see “We can’t find your home”?

This means we can’t find your eeros in HomeKit. This can happen if you open the eero app on a different device or if you sign into a different iCloud account. This can also happen if you remove your eeros from the Home app. To fix this issue, you can try logging back into the iCloud account that you initially used to add eero to HomeKit. You can also use the “Reset HomeKit” button on this screen to reset the HomeKit pairing and re-add your eeros to Home.

Q: How do I add eero to Home?

  • Open the eero app and tap Settings at the bottom of the screen
  • Tap Apple HomeKit
  • Tap Set up HomeKit at the bottom of the screen
  • Read through the text on the page then tap Setup HomeKit
  • You will get a pop up letting you know "eero" Would Like to Access Your Home Data. If you would like to proceed tap Allow

For more info, see this How to use HomeKit with your eero Network article


Q: How do I change security settings?

You can control the amount of protection that your router gives your HomeKit accessories. To change security settings in the Home app:

  1. Tap the More buttonNo alt supplied for Image, then select Home Settings.
  2. If you have multiple homes, choose the home where you put your router.
  3. Scroll down and tap Wi-Fi Network & Routers. Then tap an accessory to change the level of connection security.
    • Restrict to Home: Most secure. Your accessory can interact only with HomeKit through your Apple devices. The accessory won't connect to the internet or any local devices so any third-party services, like firmware updates, might be blocked.
    • Automatic: Default security. Your accessory can communicate with HomeKit and connections recommended by its manufacturer.
    • No Restriction: Least secure. This setting bypasses the secure router and allows your accessory to interact with any device in your network or internet-based service.

For more info, see this How to use HomeKit with your eero Network Article 

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