On the front of your eero, there is a LED status light. When everything is running correctly, your eero's light will be solid white (unless you have turned it off). If your LED is in a different state, including a different color or is blinking/flashing, please refer to the list below:
State | LED Behavior |
No power or Disabled | ⬤ No Light |
Online | ⬤ Solid White |
Connecting | ⬤ Blinking White |
Ready for Setup | ⬤ Solid Blue |
Bluetooth Pairing | ⬤ Blinking Blue |
Identifying Zigbee Devices | ⬤ Blinking Aqua |
Device Identified | ⬤ Solid Green |
Performing Software Update | ⬤ Blinking Green |
Power Supply Problem | ⬤ Yellow/Orange Light |
Offline | ⬤ Solid Red |
Resetting | ⬤ Blinking Red |