Configuring Internet service provider (ISP) settings

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) establishes the internet in your home, which provides wifi in your residence. Some ISPs require specific configurations such as PPPoE or VLAN Tagging, so that the modem can communicate with your eero gateway. If you’re unsure whether or not your ISP or modem requires advanced ISP settings, please check with your Internet service provider for details.

This article covers:

Your eero gateway uses a WAN IP address to connect to the Internet. Depending on your ISP, you may need to configure a specific WAN Type and/or use an Uplink VLAN tag. eeros are configured to use DHCP, but you may configure Static IP or PPPoE if required by your ISP.

Note: PPPoE and VLAN tagging are currently supported on eero 6 models or newer (not including the Ring Alarm Pro) with minimum versions: eeroOS 6.6.1+ and mobile app version 6.13.0+

Static IP

For external IP settings, see our guide for setting up a Static IP here.

WAN Uplink VLAN tag

A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a local area network that categorizes client devices and workstations despite their geographic location. VLAN tagging is performed by some ISPs to recognize a network and ensures the network receives the right information. Contact your ISP to check if you need VLAN tagging to access the Internet. In order to configure the VLAN tag, you will need an ID number between 1 and 4094. 


Here are common VLAN ID settings for some ISPs:

  • Trustpower - 10
  • Melita - 867

Setting up eero gateway with uplink VLAN tag: 

  1. Begin eero gateway setup in the eero app 
  2. Allow the eero app to first try and connect to the Internet
  3. If necessary, make any changes to your ISP Settings 

Configuring VLAN tag with an existing network: 

  1. Open the eero app 
  2. Select the Settings tab > Advanced 
  3. Tap ISP Settings > Choose VLAN Tag

Make any changes, then tap Save

If you received eeros directly from your ISP and your ISP requires Multi-Cast VLAN IPTV:

  1. Open the eero app 
  2. Select the Settings tab > Network Settings
  3. Tap ISP Settings > Toggle Multicast IPTV
  4. Enter in the ID Number
  5. Select DHCP or Static
    • If Static, enter static ip information
      • If the network is in bridge mode, this will only appear as a toggle. All other ISP settings will be unavailable to edit.

Make any changes, then tap Save



PPPoE is short for Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. This protocol was designed for ISPs to manage how data is received over Ethernet networks (cable networks) and allows multiple customer homes to connect with a single ISP server. Point-to-Point Protocol (the PPP in PPPoE) also enables authentication with username and password credentials.

Please note: since this feature requires a firmware update, you may need to set up your network while it’s connected to your modem/router or router first, then update it to v6.6.1 or later. Please see these articles for instructions on either setting up eero behind an existing router (“Double NAT-ing your eeros”) or on how to update your network software.

Here are instructions for configuring PPPoE on an existing network:

  • Open the eero app
  • Select the Settings tab > Network settings
  • Tap ISP Settings
  • Tap on WAN Type, then choose PPPoE
  • Enter your PPPoE username and password
  • Once your credentials are entered, you can then connect your eero directly to your modem using an ethernet cable, where it should come online after 1-2 minutes

Please note: Once PPPoE is enabled, your network will attempt to come online using the PPPoE credentials you’ve configured the next time it attempts to restore internet connectivity or reboots. If configured improperly, your network may fail to come back online after a reboot or other disruption to connectivity.

In order to prevent the network getting stuck in an offline state, please ensure that you follow the guidelines below:

1) Please ensure that you are entering the correct PPPoE credentials. If you’re unsure, please contact your internet service provider for more details.

2) If your ISP has provided a modem router combo device, you may need to contact them to place their hardware into bridge mode after you’ve enabled PPPoE on your eero.

3) If you’re currently using eero in bridge mode with a 3rd party router, you will need to first switch eero to Automatic mode through the eero App under Settings > Network Settings > DHCP & NAT. Once that is completed, you can follow the steps above to enable PPPoE. Once PPPoE is enabled on eero, you can then swap your router for your eero.


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